On 21st November 2018 C-Energy signed contract with BYTES Tábor s.r.o. on supplies of heat to the Nad Lužnicí housing estate and the Kopeček neighbourhood for the following 20 years. A number of newspapers and servers brought information about the tender result.
The construction of heating pipeline to Planá nad Lužnicí continues. The pipeline will bring ecological and cheap heat to the town of Planá nad Lužnicí. Pipes are being laid behind houses in Nová Street and the construction company is also about to complete the pipeline tunnel under the railway.
The Siemens company performs preparatory works in the project of electricity accumulation. A call for tenders on the supply of a photovoltaic power plant was published early this week. Electricity produced in this photovoltaic plant will be stored in the battery which is to be installed by Siemens. C-Energy also invited local construction companies to submit bids for the construction of a driveway to the photovoltaic plant. This project will be cofunded by the European Union within the operating programme Enterprise and Innovation for Competitivness.