Long-term sustainability of energy production
Our priority is energy production that is sustainable long-term, based on the high efficiency of our plants. We are a leader in the implementation of new technologies that contribute to a sustained reduction in environmental impacts. C‑Energy Planá is one of the most modern energy producers in the Czech Republic.
The total installed capacity of the C-Energy Planá CHP plant is 90 MWe, and thanks to our battery storage facility we are one of the few power plants in the Czech Republic that have black start capability, to restore operation after a complete blackout on the power grid.
C-Energy Planá is a variable plant that allows the simultaneous production of power and heat from a variety of fuels – primarily natural gas in its cogeneration units (and if necessary also using a backup gas boiler) and domestic brown coal in state-of-the-art grate boilers using elements of fluidised-bed technology, which also enable the combustion of biomass.