The C-Energy Group has invested more than CZK 2 billion in the modernisation of the Planá nad Lužnicí CHP plant since 2012, and today it is among the most modern facilities for energy production in the CEE region. As part of its Planá 2025 strategy, C-Energy is preparing to phase out coal combustion at its plants in Tábor and Planá nad Lužnicí by 2025. The measures it is implementing are aimed at reducing CO2 production by 92 percent compared to the level at the end of 2020.
In 2015, a complete rebuild and modernisation of the C-Energy CHP plant in Planá nad Lužnicí was successfully finished. The former CHP facility was converted into a variable plant, allowing the simultaneous production of heat and power from different fuels. This modernisation also brought substantial reductions in CO2, SO2 and particulate matter emissions. The flue gases from the coal-fired boilers are now cleaned in a new desulphurisation unit using wet scrubbing technology, and the exhaust gases from the gas engines are treated using a modern catalytic technique. The emissions from the new plant are almost 90% lower than those from the original facility before modernisation.
At C-Energy we are fully aware that sustainable development must be founded on a comprehensive set of strategies that allow environmental footprint to be minimised, energy consumption to be reduced, and a high standard of occupational health and safety to be maintained for employees. We therefore maintain an Integrated Management System covering the environment, occupational health and safety (OHS) and energy management in line with the international standards ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and ISO 50001.